ArrowSUPPORT Services

- Affordable IT managed services for small business

IT services for all businesses

ArrowSUPPORT solutions are designed to keep technology maintenance simple, allowing you to focus on running your business.

We understand that every business is unique, so why should all tech support? With ArrowSUPPORT, we'll help you create the support plan that best fits your needs and budget. Mix and match any of our individual services to create the support package that's perfect for you! Or, if you're looking to stabilize your IT management and support costs, check out our CompleteCare service. Contact us today so that we can prepare a customized support solution for you!

CompleteCare service

Great service... with predictable monthly costs

This support plan is designed to provide you the same outstanding IT support that we offer in our Remote Support Services plan, but with a predictable monthly cost. This plan is great if your business needs IT support on a more frequent basis while keeping IT support costs contained. Contact us today and let us put together a custom CompleteCare package that fits your needs.

Remote support services

No contracts or long-term commitments...

Remote support services can be purchased separately and can be canceled at any time. No questions asked. This support plan provides the ultimate in flexibility for your business. This plan is billed on an hourly basis and includes unlimited, remote support hours (via phone or email) and is great for employees that need help every once in a while (around 10 hours, or less a month).

ArrowSUPPORT Services

ArrowSUPPORT Dashboard

Managed Antivirus is built upon enterprise technologies that can be deployed, configured, monitored and reported on, all from your ArrowSUPPORT Dashboard.

Clean. Fast. Powerful.
We don't believe in ‘Bloatware’ and our managed antivirus agent delivers high-performance, comprehensive endpoint protection with low system resource usage.

Deployment is flexible and Managed Antivirus can be enabled, on individual servers and workstations or on all servers and workstations. The Advanced Monitoring Agent on these servers and workstations will then download, install and configure the Managed Antivirus agent with the appropriate protection policy for that type of device at that client.

With Managed Antivirus, you can:
- Enable Managed Antivirus on individual servers and workstations or on all servers and workstations at a client or site.
- Configure every aspect of the Managed Antivirus agent including scan schedules, remediation action (i.e. what to do if a threat is discovered) and file and folder exclusions.
- Save this as a protection policy for use on similar types of device at other clients and sites.
- Receive alerts if a threat is quarantined and choose to delete or release from quarantine.
- Start, Pause, Resume and Cancel scans – all from the Dashboard!

Keeping your business' computers up to date with the latest patches and hotfixes can be a very time consuming job. Put time back in your day by leaving the tedious work with us. Our team will make sure that all of your computers are up to date and we'll keep you informed of the important stuff.

Reduce risk. Save time and money.,
Vulnerabilities remain amongst the most disruptive and damaging types of problem experienced in real-world networks, causing lost time and potentially security breaches to customers. This in turn can soak up large amounts of time fixing the problems and cleaning up the systems. As the variety and number of threats continues to increase, it is impractical to manage them without effective tools to automate the process.

Ensuring your computers have all of the relevant patches applied for the products of all of the key software vendors is one of the most effective pro-active steps you can take towards ensuring the minimum level of disruption for your customers. However, doing this separately across all of the networks for which you are responsible is a tedious and time-consuming task.

Our ArrowSUPPORT teams don't wait for you to call when something goes wrong. Instead, we’ll check your system around the clock, day and night, for any problems that might hinder your ability to do business. And when we spot trouble, we’ll fix it right away – probably before you even know about it.

Peace of mind at an affordable price.
For less than the price of a cup of coffee, we’ll conduct a thorough check each and every morning before you start work. We’ll check:

- Your backup is complete to make sure your data is safe
- Your anti-virus pattern file to make sure your protection is always up-to-scratch
- Your disk space to ensure your system won’t crash and your workers aren’t left unproductive while you recover
- Your Exchange email system to make sure it doesn’t fill up and collapse leaving you floundering till it’s fixed
- Your hard disk and memory health to ensure your system is always in peak operating condition
- Your Critical Event Logs to spot other developing problems that could cause downtime during the day.
- This service is performed automatically – so it’s guaranteed to happen even if staff are sick or on holiday. If we find problems, we’ll immediately alert an engineer so he can act fast to cut potential downtime. We’ll even send you a short note to confirm the checks carried out and their results.

And all this for less than the cost of a cappuccino!

Included with your ArrowSUPPORT CompleteCare agreement, the ArrowSUPPORT dashboard gives you control of your environment, whenever and wherever you need it. Using the dashboard, you can easily get the latest information about how your computers are performing, deploy our managed antivirus, patch management and PC backup services to any workstation or server that's managed with our ArrowSUPPORT CompleteCare service.

With the ArrowSUPPORT Dashboard you can:

  • Monitor the health of your servers and workstations
  • View software license compliance reports
  • Easily view the desktop of your servers and workstations
  • Deploy managed antivirus, backups and patch management services

About Arrow...

Arrow Technology Solutions provides quality, affordable IT and web design services to small and mid-sized businesses. We'll help you grow your business by helping you use technology to gain the competitive edge in your marketplace.


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